Keeping It Real Moment

  • It is important that you focus on your mental health in order to be a great student and person.  Dr. Funderburk offers mental health strategies in the Podcasts below in what she likes to call a "Keeping It Real Moment".  I hope you will listen to the messages you receive and use the strategies in your day to day life.  If you need to talk to someone, counselors are available at each school.


    Anxiety - October 12, 2021

    The Anatomy of Fear - October 26, 2021

    Emotional Baggage - November 10, 2021

Support by School

  • South Lexington - 

    Charles England - Interim Principal Katiana Desgrottes -

    Pickett - Counselor Naomi Williams -

    Southwest Global Academy - Counselor Derezma Little -

    Lexington Middle School - Counselor Olivia McMillian -

    Lexington Senior High School 

    Last names ending in A - C = Tonya Withers

    Last names ending in D - Mi = LaTarra Loftin

    Last names ending in Mo - Z = Kenneth Brown


    LCS Social Workers

    South Lexington -

    Southwest Global Academy & Charles England - Savannah Allman -

    Pickett -

    Middle and High School - Angela Whiteside -